Research Interests |
Quantum information and quantum foundations.
Publications |
G. Chiribella and Z. Liu
Quantum operations with indefinite time direction Communications Physics, 5(1):1–8, 2022. Y. Guo, Z. Liu, H. Tang, X.-M. Hu, B.-H. Liu, Y.-F. Huang, C.- F. Li, G.-C. Guo, and G. Chiribella Experimental demonstration of input-output indefiniteness in a single quantum device arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.17046, 2022. Z. Liu, M. Yang, and G. Chiribella Quantum communication through devices with indefinite input-output direction New J. Phys. 25 043017, 2023 Z. Liu and G. Chiribella Tsirelson bounds for quantum correlations with indefinite causal order arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.02749, 2024. |
Awards |
Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis, Zhejiang University |
CV |
My CV can be found here.