Yadong WuYadong is a postdoc fellow in Prof. Giulio Chiribella’s group at HKU. He got both his bachelor degree and master degree on electronic engineering at UM-SJTU Joint institute in Shanghai. After that, he moved to University of Calgary to study physics, specifically quantum information, under the supervision of Prof. Barry C. Sanders. He got his PhD in 2019 and then, in January 2020, he moved to HKU to keep on his research as a postdoc until now. His current research interest is how to verify and predict quantum properties in large-scaled quantum systems using less measurement complexity than quantum tomography.
Research Interests |
Quantum verification and benchmark, machine learning for quantum computing
Selected Publication |
Y. D. Wu, Y Zhu, G Bai, Y Wang, G Chiribella
Quantum similarity testing with conventional neural networks Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 210601 (2023) Y. Zhu, Y.D. Wu, G. Bai, D. S. Wang, Y. Wang, G. Chiribella Flexible learning of quantum states with generative query neural networks Nat Commun 13, 6222 (2022) G. Bai, Y.D. Wu, Y. Zhu, M. Hayashi, G. Chiribella Quantum Causal Unravelling npj Quantum Information 8.69 (2022) Y.D. Wu, G. Chiribella Detecting quantum capacities of continuous-variable quantum channels Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043149 (2022) Y.D. Wu, G. Bai, G. Chiribella, and N. Liu Efficient verification of continuous-variable quantum states and devices without assuming identical and independent operations Physical Review Letters 126, 240503 (2021) C. Qian, Y.D. Wu, Y. Xiao, B.C. Sanders Multiple uncertainty relation for accelerated quantum information Physical Review D, 102, 096009 (2020) M. Jafarzadeh, Y.D. Wu (co-first author), Y.R. Sanders, B.C. Sanders Randomized benchmarking for qudit Clifford gates New Journal of Physics 22, 063014 (14 pp.) (2020) Y.D. Wu, B.C. Sanders Efficient verification of bosonic quantum channels via benchmarking New Journal of Physics 21, 073026 (21 pp.) (2019) Y.D. Wu, A. Khalid, B.C. Sanders Efficient Code for Relativistic Quantum Summoning New Journal of Physics 20, 063052 (18 pp.) (2018) M. Ahmadi, Y.D. Wu, B.C. Sanders Relativistic (2,3)-threshold quantum secret sharing Physical Review D 96, 065018 (10 pp.) (2017) Y.D. Wu, J. Zhou, X. Gong, Y. Guo, Z. Zhang, G. He Continuous-variable measurement-device-independent multipartite communication Physical Review A 93, 022325 (9 pp.) (2016) |
Awards |
Awarded Departmental Graduate Student Excellence Award, by University of Calgary. 2010: Awarded academic excellence scholarship (third-class), by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Awarded the first-class prize in Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Con- test in Modeling, Shanghai. |
CV |
My CV can be found here.